NMO150P8P-Nylon Filter Mesh Sock - NMO150P8P-Nylon Filter Mesh Sock

COX Filter Bag Fabric > Nylon Filter Sock > NMO150P8P-Nylon Filter Mesh Sock

Wholesale NMO150P8P-Nylon Filter Mesh Sock manufacture by COX Filter Bag at competitive price.

NMO150P8P-Nylon Filter Mesh Sock

Nylon Filter Mesh Bag, 150 Mic, 5-5/8" diam. x 21" long, Polypropylene Ring – COX Filter Cloth

Nylon Filter Mesh Bag, 150 Mic, 5-5/8" diam. x 21" long, PP Ring

Data Sheet Nylon Filter Bag, 150 Mic, 5-5/8" diam. x 21" long, PP Ring    Nylon Filter Bags, 150 Mic, 5-5/8" diam. x 21" long, PP Ring

Nylon Filter Mesh Bags, 150 Micron, No Bag Finish, 5-5/8″ diam. x 21″ long, Polypropylene Ring, 2 SQ. Ft., Max Temp. 350 F, 50 Per Box

Leading time: 7~10 Working Days
Filter Bag Material: Monofilament Nylon Filter Mesh Cloth
Filter Bag Size: 5-5/8" diam. x 21" long
Filter Bag Neck Material: Polypropylene Ring
Filtration Micron: 150
Other Style No.: Pentair/krystil klear NMO150K8KO, FSI NMO150P8PP, Rosedale NMO-150-P8PP

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Nylon Filter Mesh Bag, 150 Mic, 5-5/8" diam. x 21" long, Polypropylene Ring – COX Filter Cloth

NMO150P8P-Nylon Filter Mesh Sock

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